Category: TECHS5

TECHS5 – Luento 1

Ensimmäisellä luennolla aloitamme tutustumisen ohjelmointiin Python-ohjelmointikielen avulla ja käymme läpi mitä kaikkea kurssin aikana on luvassa:

  • Muuttujat
  • Numeroiden käsittely
  • Tekstin käsittely
  • Ohjausrakenteet
  • Tietorakenteet
  • Silmukat
  • Funktiot
  • Tiedostojen käsittely

Esittelyosion jälkeen hyppäämme suoraan asiaan ja laadimme ensimmäiset, lyhyet ohjelmat Python-komentotulkin ja IDLE-kehitysympäristön avulla.

Luento 1

TECHS5: Lecture 6

During lecture 6, we’ll take a look at how we can create our own functions in Python. We’ll learn how we can use functions and their return values to clean the structure of our scripts. We will also have a look at Python’s ElementTree module and see how we can use it to read XML files.

Lecture View Gist Exercise files

TECHS5: Lecture 4

During this lecture, we’ll get acquainted with the while loop and look into ways we can harness its amazing powers to repeat stuff lots and lots of times. Next, we’ll move on to for loops and supercharge our iterable-handling powers.

Lecture View Gist

TECHS5: Lecture 3

The third lecture starts with a quick recap of what we learned last week. Then, we will take a look at the different data structures – lists, tuples and dictionaries – we have at our disposal, and start figuring out how and why we should use them. Once we’ve mastered them all, we’ll move on to loops, starting with the while loop.

If time permits, which it probably won’t, we’ll also have a look at for loops.


TECHS5: Lecture 2

The second lecture starts with a quick recap of what we learned last week. After that, we’ll look into different functions that we can use to work with strings and other sequences. Then, we’ll learn about Boolean data types and conditional statements and see how they can be used to control the flow of our programs. We’ll also have a look at the various logical operators we can use in conditional statements. Finally, if time permits, we’ll look at the different data structures – lists, tuples and dictionaries – we have at our disposal.
